Tips on How to Clean Your Jewellery at Home
December 2, 2021The woman who has everything – a fabulous diamond necklace, the latest fashion brand, designer jeans, and personalised jewellery– needs to know how to clean jewellery properly. Unlike other ornamental and decorative art pieces, jewellery is made out of precious metals and stones and can become scratched and discoloured if not properly cleaned. Even if they are worn regularly, jewellery can look shabby and dirty over time if not cleaned regularly. If you want to keep your personalised jewellery in good condition, it is essential to learn how to clean it regularly to look great and retain its sparkle for many years to come. If you are clueless as to how to clean it for yourself, here are some helpful tips:
First, let us explain some simple rules on keeping your jewellery clean and looking great. Remove all of your rings, including your wedding band. This will prevent them from getting grimy with build-up and make sure that your jewellery doesn’t react negatively with any other personal or general cleaning and beautification products. If you do this occasionally, it won’t be a big deal, but if you wear it every day, it can become difficult to clean without damaging it.
If your jewellers have provided protective clasps with items like a lobster clasp, it is best to take them out before you start working. Pull apart the clasp and place it in a bowl of warm water with one tablespoon of each salt and lemon juice added. Dip the clasp into the salty solution for a few minutes, letting the liquid permeate the metal, then gently brush it with a clean, soft cloth until it is restored to its former glory.
For more stubborn items, such as a wedding ring, grab a soft clean cloth, dip it into the salt and lemon solution, and apply gentle strokes to the item. Remember to use non-abrasive toothbrush bristles and avoid putting too much pressure on any single area. Use the same gentle strokes over again until the personalised jewellery for her looks excellent as new. When you’re finished, make sure that you rinse the toothbrush out with warm water to remove any soap residue, then repeat the process with the bowl of water and the toothbrush.
If you find your precious items are particularly dirty or damaged, you can always contact a reputable jeweller or your local DIY store for professional advice. You may find yourself able to get a deep clean by a jeweller using a special anti-tarnish compound. Be sure to read up on these substances before trying one, as different brands work better with certain metals. Many stores also stock essential oils, which you can use to help restore tarnished jewellery. It’s worth trying both methods to see which best cleans your precious items.
Once your items have been thoroughly cleaned, you may consider treating them with a protective sealant to prevent further tarnishing. Silver is an excellent metal to use with this, as it has the highest elasticity of any metal, and silver foil stamps are very easy to apply. If you decide to go down this route, ensure you buy a high-quality product to get value for money. You can find a wide range of sealants from good specialist jewellers, but be aware that the cheapest sealants are often made from inexpensive metals, meaning they’ll quickly strip your precious silver jewellery of its shine.
For more tips about cleaning your personalised jewellery, read the infographic below from Charming Jewellery Store